
Ng – Question 1

By Yvonne Ng
December 2017

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1What social-protest materials does your institution or organization collect, and how do you acquire material?

Yvonne Ng

Senior Archivist – WITNESS

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1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 WITNESS is an international nonprofit organization that supports people using video and technology to protect human rights. Recognizing the importance of archiving and preservation to this work, we maintain an in-house video archive and train others to archive their own videos.

2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 Our collection is made up of video documentation of both human rights violations and activism recorded by local groups that we have partnered with since the 1990s, as well as the advocacy videos that we co-produced with those groups. The videos span the globe and cover a range of issues, including forced evictions in Cambodia, the impact of war in Chechnya, political violence against women in Zimbabwe, elder abuse in the US, police violence in Brazil, and on and on.

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4 Leave a comment on paragraph 4 0 In recent years, as mobile phone cameras and platforms such as YouTube have changed the video landscape, we’ve been coproducing and acquiring less material. Instead, we’re focusing more on providing training and support for activists who are already filming, uploading, distributing, and collecting their own videos.

5 Leave a comment on paragraph 5 0 The training videos we produce, such as “How to Livestream Protests” or “What Is Video Metadata?” are also part of our collection. We also collect photos and videos that document our trainings, events, and other work.

Yvonne Ng

Senior Archivist – WITNESS

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